This page contains the links for our Five Minute 26th October 2021 SATEAL Teachmeet Presentation.

(and we have kept the links for earlier teachmeets here too)

Thank you everyone for a stimulating evening of presentations. Like SATEAL we strongly believe that teachers are more creative and develop more engaging and exciting resources when they plan and work collaboratively inside and outside the classroom.



Resources to encourage and support parent workshops making and inventing story book games

Collaborative Learning is very happy to share on our network any resources you develop in your parent workshops. Do also please look at our work in progress pages, the updated SATEAL 2020 conference page and watch this space for our sharing CPD pages the link to which will appear soon.

In the December 2020 Teachmeet we introduced you to..

We have produced another guide to Mini Books for the National* Writing Project

Introducing Hexbusters

Here is one we prepared earlier

This clueless board is ready for your questions. You can add first letter clues like we did.

Colleagues in Tameside produced a hexbusters game for Much Ado.

The questions are sorted into four themes.

Answers are provided in a variety of formats - embedded in texts and answered directly.

Now we are inviting you to help produce questions to include in a hexbusters for the Tempest

In Act II scene 2 Trinculo and Stephano both use the simile 'swim like a .........

When Caliban says 'A curse on you for learning me your language' which language is he referring to?

Please go to our work in progress page to find other activities where we are inviting your contributions. Network with us!

Collaborative Learning
The links below will take you to back to the main pages of Collaborative Learning. Here is a quick route to our Early Years page.