Collaborative Learning Project


All these books inspire as well as inform.

Books on Empowering Learners and Teachers

Professional Capital by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan Routledge 2012

Creating Learning without Limits by Mandy Swann, Alison Peacock, Susan Hart and Mary Jane Drummond Open University 2012

Identity Texts by Jim Cummins Trentham Books 2011

Learning without Limits by Susan Hart, Annabelle Dixon, Mary Jane Drummond and Donald Mcintyre Open University 2004

Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire Continuum 1970, revised 1993. Latest edition in Penguin. 2001

Books on Talk/Oracy

Interthinking: Karen Littleton and Neil Mercer 2014 Routledge

Exploring Talk in School: Inspired by the Work of Douglas Barnes ed by Neil Mercer and Steve Hodgkinson 2009 Sage

Robin Alexander: Towards Dialogic Teaching: Rethinking Classroom Talk by Robin Alexander 2008

Lyn Dawes: Essential Speaking and Listening: Talk for Learning at Key Stage 2 2008

Constructive Talk in Challenging Classrooms: How to Manage Behaviour and Engage Pupils Using Talk-based Lessons: Strategies for Behaviour Management and Talk-based Tasks by Valerie Coultas 2006 (an excellent bibliography in this book if you want more!)

Children, Their World, Their Education: Final Report and Recommendations of the Cambridge Primary Review by Robin Alexander (Editor) 2009

Words and Minds: How We Use Language to Think Together by Neil Mercer 2000

Teaching Talking and Learning by Kate Norman and National Oracy Project 1990

From Communication to Curriculum (Penguin education) by Douglas Barnes (Paperback - 29 Jan 1976)

Spoken English by Andrew Wilkinson 1965

Talk, Collaborative Learning and EAL learners

100 Ideas for Supporting Learners with EAL by Chris Pim Continuum 2012

EAL Pocketbook by Alice Washbourne Teachers Pocketbooks 2011

English Learners, Academic Literacy, and Thinking: Learning in the Challenge Zone by Pauline Gibbons 2009

Bridging Discourses by Pauline Gibbons 2006

English as an Additional Language - Meeting the Challenge in the Classroom by Liz Haslam, Yvonne Wilkin and Edith Kellet 2006

Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning, Teaching Second Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom by Pauline Gibbons 2002

Assessing the Needs of Bilingual Pupils: Living in Two Languages (Resource Materials for Teachers) by Deryn Hall, Dominic Griffiths, Liz Haslam, and Yvonne Wilkin 2001

English as a Second Language: Teaching Learning and Identity ed by Bernard Mohan, Constant Leung and Christine Davison 2000

Negotiating Identities: Education for Empowerment by Jim Cummins 1996

Learning to Learn in a Second Language by Pauline Gibbons 1991

Attractions of the North Pole - Susan Hart and Stuart Scott in Potts - Preventing Difficulties in Learning 1987 download

Last updated 6th March 2014

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